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MongoDB - Map Reduce

According to MongoDB documentation, MapReduce is a data processing paradigm used to condense large data sets into useful aggregated results. MongoDB employs the mapReduce command for map-reduce operations, primarily for processing substantial data sets.

MapReduce Command Syntax​

The basic syntax of the mapReduce command in MongoDB is as follows:

function() {emit(key,value);}, // map function
function(key,values) {return reduceFunction;}, // reduce function
{ // options
out: collection, // specifies the location of the query result
query: document, // optional selection criteria for documents
sort: document, // optional sort criteria
limit: number // optional maximum number of documents to return

In the above syntax:

  • map is a JavaScript function that maps a value with a key and emits a key-value pair.
  • reduce is a JavaScript function that reduces or groups documents with the same key.
  • out specifies the location of the map-reduce query result.
  • query specifies optional selection criteria for selecting documents.
  • sort specifies optional sort criteria.
  • limit specifies the optional maximum number of documents to return.

Using MapReduce​

Consider a document structure storing user posts with fields like post_text, user_name, and status. We will perform a mapReduce function to select active posts, group them by user_name, and count the number of posts by each user.

function() { emit(this.user_name, 1); },
function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values); },
query: { status: "active" },
out: "post_total"

The above mapReduce query outputs the following result:

"result" : "post_total",
"timeMillis" : 9,
"counts" : {
"input" : 4,
"emit" : 4,
"reduce" : 2,
"output" : 2
"ok" : 1

To see the result of this mapReduce query, you can use the find operator:


This query will return results showing the count of active posts for each user:

{ "_id" : "tom", "value" : 2 }
{ "_id" : "mark", "value" : 2 }

MapReduce queries in MongoDB are powerful for constructing complex aggregation queries using custom JavaScript functions, providing flexibility in data processing and analysis.

Diagram: MapReduce Process​

Performance Considerations

When using MapReduce in MongoDB:

  • Consider the performance overhead, especially for large data sets.
  • Optimize your map and reduce functions for efficiency.
  • Utilize indexes to improve query performance.

Table: MapReduce Options​

outSpecifies the location of the query result.
queryOptional selection criteria for documents.
sortOptional sort criteria.
limitOptional maximum number of documents to return